lavender essential oil
- Posted: May 03, 2020Read more »
COVID-19 Crisis Coping Tips
Anxiety, stress and depression are things all humans battle at one time or another, but especially during times of worldwide stress such as the COVID-19 pandemic. During these rough days, it can be hard to find peace. Below is a list of natural coping tips to help you keep your mental health in a calm state.
- Posted: April 13, 2020Read more »
Are dryer sheets toxic?
Many of us don’t think twice before throwing a couple of dryer sheets in with a clean load of laundry. After all, they cause our clothes to have a fresh scent and can cut down on static cling. But are we unknowingly exposing ourselves to chemicals? What do dryer sheets actually contain? In this article we will be revealing the truth about dryer sheets. <
- Posted: May 15, 2019Categories: DIY, Essential oils, Natural Health, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Organic, Essential Oils, Certified Organic, PureRead more »
Do you want to know how to get started with essential oils?
What are the best oils to start with?
Here is the BEST USDA Certified Organic Essential Oils kit to start with!
Top 8 Essential Oils Set - EOs for Beginners!
For Less than $30 you can get 8 great starter oils!
Please be sure to discuss this with your Doctor, never treat yourself without sharing everything with your Dr.
- Posted: November 08, 2018
How to Cleanse your Spiritual Aura
An aura is defined as a human energy field. It is believed the be part of subconscious or spiritual part of the human essence. The concept of spiritual auras is taught in various different religions. In Christianity, the aura is referred to as a soul. In New Age beliefs, the
- Posted: November 06, 2018
- Posted: November 01, 2018Read more »
Essential Oils for Meditation
In today’s busy society, many people are searching for ways to reduce stress, find peace and live a healthier lifestyle. Though the practice of meditation has been around for centuries, it has recently become a popular choice for those seeking natural ways to find serenity.
There are various different types of meditation. Every religion a
- Posted: October 31, 2018Categories: Essential oils, Natural Hand Made Soap, Natural Health, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Organic, Essential OilsRead more »
Lavender has been a staple of natural health for centuries. It has been recorded to be used in ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures. The use of lavender has continued throughout the ages and is still one of the most popular holistic options for aromatherapy, relaxation, anxiety relief and insomnia.
- Posted: October 23, 2018
Proper Cleaning of Essential Oil Diffusers
Anyone who practices aromatherapy can tell you the benefits from using an essential oil diffuser. These machines allow us to fill our homes, offices and even cars with the therapeutic effects of essential oils. But if not cleaned properly, essential oil diffusers can actually become a health hazard.
- Posted: October 22, 2018Read more »
The Ultimate Guide to Therapeutic Bath Soaks
A warm, relaxing bath has been a staple of comfort for centuries. The ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures all have recorded histories of using baths for both hygienic and healing purposes. The Greeks are credited with being the first civilization to utilize the healing properties of herbs in their bathing rituals. Greek steam baths,
- Posted: October 17, 2018Read more »
Natural Relaxation Tips
Relaxing is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. We here at Mary Tylor Naturals want to encourage you to take care of your mind, body and spirit.
Below is a list of ten great ways to naturally relax!